Market Provider (MP)

Participants can submit your code that facilitates the allocation of computing jobs to providers, utilizing an auction engine for job distribution and a payment engine for financial transactions.

How to Participate

To participate, follow these steps:

  1. Submission: Submit your code to the GitHub repository provided.

  2. Review Criteria: Ensure your code meets the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) criteria and other requirements listed below.

  3. Fill Out the Form: Remember to fill out this form when you finish this task. Code submission form will require:

    • Source Code Repository

    • Contract Code

    • Deployment Documentation

    • MP Operational Website

    • APIs Documentation

Rules and Acceptance Criteria

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Your code must include at least the following functionalities:

  1. Network Scan: Scan the entire network for CP accounts, retrieve basic CP information, and display available CPs.

  2. Resource Information: Retrieve detailed CP resource information.

  3. Whitelist: Retrieve and manage the whitelist.

  4. Task Management: Send tasks (including AI tasks and ZK-tasks) to CPs, with options to renew or terminate tasks.

  5. Task Lifecycle Management: Ensure complete management of the task lifecycle.

  6. Collateral Functionality: Implement CP-compatible collateral functionality.

  7. Payment Mechanism: Establish a comprehensive payment mechanism involving User -> MP -> CP transactions.

  8. Platform Integration: Integrate seamlessly with the LagrangeDAO platform.

Code and Deployment

  • Source Code: Provide the complete source code.

  • Deployment Documentation: Include a full deployment document, ensuring both frontend and backend services are operational.

Collateral Functionality

  • Collateral Contract: Submit the source code for the collateral contract.

APIs Documentation

  • Comprehensive Documentation: Provide detailed documentation for platform integration with the Market Provider, including API details and parameter descriptions.

Evaluation Process

Submissions will be evaluated based on:

  • Compliance with MVP criteria and additional requirements.

  • Quality and readability of the code.

  • Thoroughness of deployment documentation.

  • Clarity and completeness of API documentation.

Last updated