Computing Provider Income
Swan Chain is a decentralized network that connects computing providers with users requiring computational resources. To foster early network growth and incentivize CPs to join and contribute resources, a dual compensation mechanism has been designed:
Universal Basic Income (UBI): Provides CPs with a predictable token income when their resources are underutilized.
Paid Jobs: Offers market-priced compensation for computational tasks requested by users.
This mechanism ensures a fair and gradual distribution of tokens to providers, supporting the network's expansion until it reaches a critical mass of user-paid tasks. Importantly, the UBI distribution rate is influenced by the resource usage rate, and CPs earn market-based compensation when engaged in paid jobs.
Total Income
The total daily income for a computing provider on day comprises two components:
UBI Income
Paid Job Income
Substituting the expressions for and
Resource Usage Rate Impact
When :
CP receives full UBI allocation.
No income from paid jobs.
When :
All resources are utilized by paid jobs.
CP receives full income from paid jobs.
No UBI allocation.
Intermediate Values:
CP's income is a combination of UBI and paid job compensation, proportional to resource utilization.
Individual CP's UBI
To calculate the UBI for a single CP, we consider both the resource usage and completion rates of tasks. UBI allocation is conditional on sufficient resource contribution and performance metrics:
(1) UBI Workload Calculation
Calculate the daily completion rate of a single ECP zk-task:
Calculate the completion rate of a single FCP sampling task:
Number of GPUs: and GPU types.
Calculate the total UBI workload:
(2) Calculating the UBI for a single CP:
As an ECP:
As an FCP:
Conditions for CP to Receive UBI
A CP must meet certain conditions to qualify for UBI:
Sufficient Collateral:
represents the number of ECP for
is the base collateral, with an initial value of 3533 (this value will be dynamically adjusted based on the daily computing units of the entire network; for specific adjustment rules, check here)
represents the number of in FCP
represents the number of in ECP.
represents the FCP resource bonus ratio, currently set at a constant value of 1.2
NOTE: The value of , 1.2, means that if the same configuration of servers is deployed for FCP, it will generate 20% more earnings than ECP.
Completion of Basic Test Tasks:
FCP: Sampling task
ECP: ZK task
GPU count and type are also factored into the UBI eligibility.
Exit Mechanism:
CP Exit Mechanism If a CP wishes to exit, they must set
= 100.The CP will no longer receive any tasks and will not incur any collateral deductions.
The CP will no longer appear on the current dashboard list.
CPs can request to withdraw their collateral, but this requires a 7-day confirmation period to ensure settlement before the withdrawal is finalized (first
, followed byconfirmRequest
after 7 days).
Last updated