Computing Provider Income

Swan Chain is a decentralized network that connects computing providers with users requiring computational resources. To foster early network growth and incentivize CPs to join and contribute resources, a dual compensation mechanism has been designed:

  1. Universal Basic Income (UBI): Provides CPs with a predictable token income when their resources are underutilized.

  2. Paid Jobs: Offers market-priced compensation for computational tasks requested by users.

This mechanism ensures a fair and gradual distribution of tokens to providers, supporting the network's expansion until it reaches a critical mass of user-paid tasks. Importantly, the UBI distribution rate is influenced by the resource usage rate, and CPs earn market-based compensation when engaged in paid jobs.

Total Income

The total daily income I(x) I(x) for a computing provider on day (x)( x ) comprises two components:

  • UBI Income yUBI(x)y_{\text{UBI}}(x)

  • Paid Job Income yPaid(x)y_{\text{Paid}}(x)

I(x)=yUBI(x)+yPaid(x)I(x) = y_{\text{UBI}}(x) + y_{\text{Paid}}(x)

Substituting the expressions for yUBI(x) y_{\text{UBI}}(x) and yPaid(x)y_{\text{Paid}}(x)

I(x)=AxBeCx(1u(x))+Pmarket(x)u(x)I(x) = A \cdot x^{B} \cdot e^{-C x} \cdot (1 - u(x)) + P_{\text{market}}(x) \cdot u(x)

Resource Usage Rate Impact

  • When u(x)=0u(x) = 0:

    • CP receives full UBI allocation.

    • No income from paid jobs.

  • When u(x)=1u(x) = 1 :

    • All resources are utilized by paid jobs.

    • CP receives full income from paid jobs.

    • No UBI allocation.

  • Intermediate Values:

    • CP's income is a combination of UBI and paid job compensation, proportional to resource utilization.

Individual CP's Income

To calculate the UBI for a single CP, we consider both the resource usage and completion rates of tasks. UBI allocation is conditional on sufficient resource contribution and performance metrics:

(1) UBI Workload Calculation

  • Calculate the daily completion rate of a single ECP zk-task: PECPP_{\text{ECP}}

  • Calculate the completion rate of a single FCP sampling task: PFCPP_{\text{FCP}}

  • Number of GPUs NCP(GPUk)N_{\text{CP}}(GPU_k) and GPU types.

  • Calculate the total UBI workload:

UBItotal=UBIECP+UBIFCPUBI_{\text{total}} = UBI_{\text{ECP}} + UBI_{\text{FCP}}
UBIECP=i(kNECP,i(GPUk)×fk)×PECP,iUBI_{\text{ECP}} = \sum\limits_i \left( \sum\limits_k N_{\text{ECP},i}(GPU_k) \times f_k \right) \times P_{\text{ECP},i}
UBIFCP=j(kNFCP,j(GPUk)×fk)×PFCP,jUBI_{\text{FCP}} = \sum\limits_j \left( \sum\limits_k N_{\text{FCP},j}(GPU_k) \times f_k \right) \times P_{\text{FCP},j}

(2) Calculating the UBI for a single CP:

As an ECP:

UBIECP,i(x)=kNECP,i(GPUk)×fk×PECP,iUBIECP+UBIFCP×I(x)UBI_{\text{ECP},i}(x) = \frac{\sum\limits_k N_{\text{ECP},i}(GPU_k) \times f_k \times P_{\text{ECP},i}}{UBI_{\text{ECP}} + UBI_{\text{FCP}}} \times I(x)

As an FCP:

UBIFCP,i(x)=kNFCP,i(GPUk)×fk×PFCP,iUBIECP+UBIFCP×I(x)UBI_{\text{FCP},i}(x) = \frac{\sum\limits_k N_{\text{FCP},i}(GPU_k) \times f_k \times P_{\text{FCP},i}}{UBI_{\text{ECP}} + UBI_{\text{FCP}}} \times I(x)

Conditions for CP to Receive UBI

A CP must meet certain conditions to qualify for UBI:

  1. Sufficient Collateral:

CollateralCP=kNCP(GPUk)×Cbase×fkCollateral_{\text{CP}} = \sum\limits_k N_{\text{CP}}(GPU_k) \times C_{\text{base}} \times f_k


  • NCP(GPUk)N_{\text{CP}}(GPU_k) is the number of GPUs held by CP.

  • CbaseC_{\text{base}} is the base collateral.

  • fkf_k is the revenue growth factor

  1. Completion of Basic Test Tasks:

  • FCP: Sampling task

  • ECP: ZK task

  1. GPU count and type are also factored into the UBI eligibility.

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