A Sample Tutorial

New client

client, err := swan.NewAPIClient("<SWAN_API_KEY>")

Fetch all instance resources

Through InstanceResources you can get a list of available instance resources including their region information. You can select one you want to use.

instances, err := swan.InstanceResources(true)

Note: All Instance type list can be found here.

Create and deploy a task

Deploy a application, if you have set PrivateKey, this task will be payed automaiclly, and deploy to computing providers on Swan Chain Network:

task, err := client.CreateTask(&CreateTaskReq{
    RepoUri:      "<YOUR_PROJECT_GITHUB_URL>",
    Duration:      2 * time.Hour,
    InstanceType: "C1ae.small", 

taskUUID := task.Task.UUID
log.Printf("taskUUID: %v", taskUUID)

Access application instances of an existing task

You can easily get the deployed application instances for an existing task.

// Get application instances URL
appUrls, err := client.GetRealUrl("<TASK_UUID>")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("app urls: %v", appUrls)

A sample output:

['https://krfswstf2g.anlu.loveismoney.fun', 'https://l2s5o476wf.cp162.bmysec.xyz', 'https://e2uw19k9uq.cp5.node.study']

It shows that this task has three applications. Visit the URL in the web browser you will view the application's information if it is running correctly.

Renew duration of an existing task

RenewTask extends the duration of the task before completed

resp, err := client.RenewTask("<TASK_UUID>", <Duration>,"<PRIVATE_KEY>")

Terminate an existing task

You can early terminate an existing task and its application instances. By terminating task, you will stop all the related running application instances and thus you will get refund of the remaining task duration.

resp, err := client.TerminateTask("<TASK_UUID>")

Check information of an existing task

You can get the task details by the taskUUID

resp, err := client.TaskInfo("<TASK_UUID>")

Check all task list information belonging to a wallet address

You can get all tasks deployed from one wallet address

total, resp, err := client.Tasks(&TaskQueryReq{
    Wallet: "<WALLET_ADDRESS>",
    Page:   0,
    Size:   10,

More Samples

For more pratical samples, consult go-swan-sdk-samples.

More Resources

More resources about swan SDK can be found


The go-swan-sdk is released under the MIT license, details of which can be found in the LICENSE file.

Last updated