Computing Provider Collateral


In the Swan Chain network, Computing Providers (CPs) contribute their computational resources to support the network's decentralized computing infrastructure. To ensure stability and economic security, CPs are required to provide collateral in Swan tokens. This collateral acts as a financial commitment, incentivizing CPs to act in the best interest of the network while also sharing in the economic rewards generated from providing computing power.

Collateral Model

The collateral amount for each CP is determined by an inverse correlation model based on the total computing power contributed by the CP to the network. The formula for calculating the collateral amount is:

y=kglobal_computing_units+by = \frac{k}{\text{global\_computing\_units}} + b


  • y: Collateral amount in Swan tokens

  • k: Inverse correlation constant, representing the strength of the inverse relationship

  • global_computing_units: Total computing power units contributed by the CP

  • b: Baseline collateral amount, ensuring a minimum level of collateral

The formula indicates that the collateral requirement decreases as the total computing power contributed by the CP increases. This is designed to encourage CPs to contribute more computing power, reducing their collateral burden as they scale up their participation.

Revenue Sharing and APR Calculation

Once a CP provides collateral, they are eligible to receive revenue generated from both Universal Basic Income (UBI) tokens and paid jobs. The revenue model includes:

  1. UBI Income: CPs receive UBI tokens as a baseline income for their participation, which is inversely related to their collateral and computing power.

  2. Paid Job Income: CPs can earn additional revenue by completing paid jobs, which are offered at a market rate determined by user demand.

The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for the CPs is calculated separately for both their operating revenue and collateral revenue:

  • Operator APR: The revenue generated by CPs for providing computing power divided by their total operational costs.

  • Collateral APR: Calculated based on the revenue earned by providing collateral relative to the collateral amount itself.

The total APR includes both the operator APR and collateral APR, providing a complete picture of the financial returns for CPs participating in the Swan Chain network.

Impact of Collateral Model

The negative correlation between collateral and computing power has several benefits:

  1. Incentivizing Scale: CPs are encouraged to scale up their contributions to the network, as increasing their computing power reduces their collateral requirements.

  2. Risk Mitigation: Collateral serves as a safeguard, ensuring that CPs have a financial stake in the network's success and discouraging malicious behavior.

  3. Economic Participation: By allowing CPs to share in both operator and collateral revenue, the model promotes balanced economic participation, where CPs are rewarded not only for their computational contributions but also for their financial commitment.

Last updated