Free Tier and Special Credit Programs

Swan Chain is committed to empowering developers, startups, and established AI companies by providing access to top-tier computing, storage, and bandwidth resources. To support this mission, Swan Chain offers several tiers of free and special credit programs tailored to meet the needs of various users, from individual developers to large-scale AI enterprises. This document outlines the specifics of these programs, eligibility criteria, and the approval processes.

Program Tiers

  1. Free Tier for All Users

  • Utilization: Access to H100 for more than 25 hours

  • Description: Designed for smaller projects and individual developers, this tier provides access to Swan Chain's industry-leading infrastructure at no cost, making it ideal for those starting out in Web3 development.

  • Eligibility: All new users

  • Credits: Up to 5,000 Swan credits

  • Service Validity Period: 1 year

  • Usage: Access to basic computing, storage, and bandwidth services to build and deploy projects on Swan Chain.

  • Approval Process: Immediate access upon account creation. Start building on Swan Chain without delay.

  1. Incubator and Investor Program

  • Utilization: Access to H100 for more than 50 hours

  • Description: Targeted at Web3 startups, this program offers advanced resources for projects looking to scale rapidly. Ideal for those backed by incubators or investors, it provides enhanced computing and storage capacity to support growth.

  • Eligibility: Startups incubated by recognized incubators or funded by investors

  • Credits: Up to 10,000 Swan credits

  • Service Validity Period: 1 year

  • Usage: Enhanced access to compute, storage, and bandwidth resources, enabling robust development and deployment.

  • Approval Process: Applications are reviewed within 2-3 business days. Decisions will be communicated via email.

  1. AI Company Program

  • Utilization: Access to H100 for more than 100 hours

  • Description: This program offers unparalleled computing power and storage solutions for AI-focused Web3 projects. It is tailored for top-tier protocols and projects that require extensive resources for AI model training, large-scale data management, and high-bandwidth operations.

  • Eligibility: AI-focused companies with strong fundraising and a solid reputation

  • Credits: Up to 20,000 Swan credits

  • Service Validity Period: 1 year

  • Usage: Extensive compute power for AI model training, large-scale data storage, and high bandwidth for AI applications.

  • Approval Process: Applications are reviewed within 5-7 business days. Decisions will be communicated via email.

Application Process

To apply for any of these programs, please fill out the application form here. The Swan Chain team will review your application and respond within the specified time frames based on the program tier.

***Note that for Swan Activate: To encourage users to fully utilize Swan resources and share feedback, we’re offering a special incentive. If you use all your credits within one week, simply notify the Swan team with your account details, and we’ll provide additional credits.

These programs are designed to provide the best and highly innovative resources to help you innovate and excel. Can’t wait to see all of you come and build with SwanChain!

Last updated