Q: How can I verify whether the ECP environment is installed successfully?

curl http://<PUBLIC_IP>:<PORT>/api/v1/computing/cp


    "node_id": "04f4af161995c1cc0f8a4c1dd316a64b809c879e1cc7",
    "region": "North Carolina-US",
    "cluster_info": [
            "machine_id": "4c4c4544-0046-3510-8058-b1c04f504433",
            "cpu_name": "AMD",
            "cpu": {
                "total": "192",
                "used": "16",
                "free": "176"
            "memory": {
                "total": "2003 GiB",
                "used": "62 GiB",
                "free": "1822 GiB"
            "gpu": {
                "driver_version": "535.104.05",
                "cuda_version": "12020",
                "attached_gpus": 1,
                "details": [
                        "product_name": "NVIDIA 3080",
                        "status": "available",
                        "fb_memory_usage": {
                            "total": "10240 MiB",
                            "used": "235 MiB",
                            "free": "10004 MiB"
                        "bar1_memory_usage": {
                            "total": "256 MiB",
                            "used": "2 MiB",
                            "free": "253 MiB"
            "storage": {
                "total": "877 GiB",
                "used": "456 GiB",
                "free": "376 GiB"
    "multi_address": "/ip4/",
    "node_name": "ecp-001"

Q: What are ownerAddress, workerAddress, and beneficiaryAddress?

A: These are three different types of accounts used in the system for security and separation of concerns:

  • ownerAddress: This is the owner account of the CP account. The owner has permission to change account information such as the multi-address, worker address, and beneficiary address. In most situations, the private key of the ownerAddress does not need to be present on the server for security reasons.

  • workerAddress: This is the actual working address used for submitting proofs (submitProof). It needs to be funded with a certain amount of ETH to pay for gas fees when submitting proofs.

  • beneficiaryAddress: This is the address where all earnings from the CP account will be sent. It is solely used for receiving funds. For security purposes, the private key of the beneficiaryAddress should not be stored on the server to maintain isolation.

By separating these accounts, the system ensures that only the necessary workerAddress private key is present on the server, while the more sensitive ownerAddress and beneficiaryAddress private keys are kept separate, enhancing the overall security of the system.

Q: How do I update the resource-exporter in ECP?


Step 1: Stop the computing-provider process.

Step 2: Execute the following commands:

docker rm -f resource-exporter
docker rmi filswan/resource-exporter:v11.2.9

Step 3: Restart the computing-provider process.

Step 4: Check resource-exporter logs:

Verify that the resource-exporter is functioning correctly by monitoring its logs:

docker logs -f resource-exporter

Q: How do I withdraw collateral from ECP?

To withdraw collateral from ECP, use the following command:

computing-provider --repo <YOUR_CP_PATH> collateral withdraw --ecp --owner <YOUR_OWNER_WALLET_ADDRESS> --account <YOUR_CP_ACCOUNT> <AMOUNT>

Last updated