Edge Computing Provider (ECP)

Edge Computing Provider (ECP)

ECP (Edge Computing Provider) specializes in processing data at the source of data generation, using minimal latency setups ideal for real-time applications. This provider handles specific, localized tasks directly on devices at the network’s edge, such as IoT devices.

At the current stage, ECP supports the generation of ZK-Snark proof of Filecoin network, and more ZK proof types will be gradually supported, such as Aleo, Scroll, starkNet, etc

ECP hardware requirements:

  • Possess a public IP

  • Have at least one GPU

  • At least 4 vCPUs

  • Minimum 300GB HDD storage

  • Minimum 32GB memory

  • Minimum 20MB bandwidth

ECP (Edge Computing Provider) Status:

The ECP (Edge Computing Provider) status indicates the current operational state of the provider:

  • Inactive: Previously had an ECP taskType, but no longer does.

  • Online: Has an ECP taskType, query is successful, sufficient collateral, and not rejecting tasks (Normal operation).

  • Offline: Has an ECP taskType, but query is unsuccessful.

  • NSC (Not Sufficient Collateral): Has an ECP taskType, but insufficient collateral.

  • Declined: Has an ECP taskType, but rejecting tasks (due to insufficient resources or sequencer).

  • Inconsistent: Local information does not match on-chain information (e.g., CP account, multiaddress, nodeID).

Last updated