Customized Market Provider


SwanChain provides a flexible framework that allows you to develop your own market provider. By building your own smart contracts and markets based on SwanChain's computing layer, you can customize and optimize your market provider to meet specific needs and requirements.

Steps to Develop Your Own Market Provider

1. Understand the Computing Provider Protocol

The first step is to familiarize yourself with the Computing Provider Protocol. This protocol defines the standards and operations for computing providers within the SwanChain ecosystem. You can find detailed information and guidelines here: Computing Provider Protocol

2. Set Up a Computing Provider Account

Next, you'll need to set up a computing provider account. This account will manage your interactions with the SwanChain network, including task submissions, resource management, and payment handling. Detailed instructions can be found here: Computing Provider Account

3. Develop Your Smart Contracts

With the protocol and account in place, you can start developing your smart contracts. These contracts will define the rules and operations of your market provider. Ensure that your contracts are compliant with SwanChain's standards to ensure compatibility and security.

4. Create Your Market

Once your smart contracts are ready, you can create your market. This involves deploying your smart contracts to the SwanChain network and setting up the necessary infrastructure to support market operations. You can tailor your market to specific use cases, such as AI/ML tasks, storage solutions, or zero-knowledge proofs.

5. Integrate with SwanChain Ecosystem

To maximize the potential of your market provider, integrate it with the broader SwanChain ecosystem. This includes connecting with other market providers, leveraging existing resources, and participating in the governance and development of the network.

6. Test and Optimize

Thoroughly test your market provider to ensure it operates smoothly and efficiently. Optimize your contracts and market operations based on performance metrics and user feedback to provide the best possible service.

7. Launch and Promote

Once your market provider is fully developed and tested, you can launch it on the SwanChain network. Promote your market provider to attract users and computing providers, and continuously improve your offerings based on market demand and technological advancements.


Developing your own market provider on SwanChain offers the flexibility to customize and optimize market operations to meet specific needs. By following the guidelines and leveraging SwanChain's robust framework, you can build a successful market provider that enhances the capabilities of the decentralized computing ecosystem.

For more detailed information and guidance, refer to the official SwanChain documentation linked above or ask help in discord and telegram

Last updated