Universal Basic Income (UBI)

Swan UBI is designed for Computing Provider's base benefit

The Universal Basic Income (UBI) model within the Swan Chain ecosystem represents a groundbreaking approach to ensuring equitable compensation for participants contributing computational resources. This model is designed to provide a basic level of income to all eligible computing providers within the network, thereby fostering a more inclusive and sustainable community. Here's a summary of the key aspects of Swan Chain's UBI model:

Purpose and Vision

  • Inclusivity and Fair Compensation: The UBI model is motivated by the desire to create a fair and equitable ecosystem where contributors are guaranteed a baseline compensation for their participation, irrespective of the fluctuating demand for computing tasks.

  • Encouraging Participation: By assuring a basic income, Swan Chain aims to encourage more individuals and organizations to contribute their computing resources to the network, enhancing the ecosystem's computational capacity and diversity.

Last updated

Change request #234: update CP